how to make online training videos

How to Make High-Quality Online Trainings Using Your Video Content

The benefits of online training are numerous, both for organizations and employees. For employees, taking training online means self-paced, flexible learning. And for employers, it means valuable time savings on repetitive in-person sessions. 

In a post-pandemic workforce, the increased productivity and flexibility that come with asynchronous capabilities are increasingly attractive. But quality training remains crucial to your employees’ success — and yours. 

Creating online training that matches the high standards set by your existing in-person program is possible. In fact, you might already have the tools you need to build it at your disposal. Here are a few steps toward quickly and easily developing your own high-quality online training program.

Take stock of your existing recordings

Over the past two years, many organizations have made use of Zoom, Microsoft Teams, and other virtual platforms to conduct training sessions and host webinars. Recordings saved from those events are likely able to be repurposed as asynchronous content for ongoing use.

Rather than spending hours of time recording new content from scratch, your existing content can take on new life while ensuring your online training matches the information you’ve been sharing in virtual sessions. The process is simple: just locate your recordings, edit out anything that doesn’t fit your purposes, and piece together your very own customized training videos. 

Start recording

If you haven’t already been hitting the record button before your virtual training sessions, you  can still save time and effort on taking training online. You don’t have to spend hours scripting, recording, and editing new content to make high-quality asynchronous training videos. 

Instead, ask your training leaders or webinar hosts to start taking the time to record their meetings. In just a few weeks, and without any extra time, you’ll have created a bank of content with which you can start building your online training program. 

You are already dedicating time and money to your training process. By recording your current efforts, you take steps toward creating repeatable training videos for all future hires. And since you use clips from your own sessions to build your asynchronous process, you can be assured that the quality will line up with your real-time program. 

Easily fill in gaps

By building the bulk of your necessary content using existing or easily created resources, you free up additional time to dedicate to perfecting your online training program. As you piece together your videos, you can take note of any gaps in clarity, explanation, or engagement. Then, rather than rushing through creating an entire course, you can instead focus on addressing any opportunities to improve upon your training videos. 

Adding in introductory videos, hands-on activities, and other resources is an easy way to take your course from good to great. And by simplifying the process from the start, you can dedicate your full attention to adding in the perfect finishing touches to your asynchronous training content. 

If your organization is ready to build asynchronous online trainings using video content, Allarium can help. Reach out today to learn more about how our team can build engaging learning experiences with your existing content.

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