saas training best practices

3 Best Practices for Building User-friendly SaaS Product Training

First impressions make a significant impact on the trajectory of a relationship. The same holds for the relationship between your SaaS company and your customers. At first glance, your new and potential customers are determining if your SaaS product is user-friendly, beneficial, and worth their investment of money, time, and attention.

One significant way you can start this relationship out on the right foot is by offering SaaS product training. Adopting these three best practices for SaaS product training will help you grow a more profitable business by retaining more happy customers that know how to use your SaaS product. Now that’s a win-win.  

  1. Focus on the Benefits, not just the Features of your SaaS Product

You have an excellent SaaS product and a stellar design team that tirelessly works to make it better daily. But your customer can’t see that at first. You have to walk with them through the user experience before they can come to appreciate the innovative features of your SaaS product. 

The way to get potential consumers to start their journey as your customer is by helping them see the benefits of your SaaS product. Focusing on benefits over features (at least initially) will ensure that your customers start and remain engaged. 

It will also give your customer a snapshot of the big picture behind why they will want to utilize your SaaS product. Does your SaaS product help them automate leads, seamlessly track KPIs, or digitize quarterly sales records? Instead of saying, “this icon does this specific task,” start by saying, “this whole software system will save you time as you run your business.” You’ll get to the feature specifics in individualized training modules. This leads us to our next best practice for SaaS product training.

  1. Split SaaS Product Training into Segments

When building a SaaS product training system, it’s vital to split your learning experience into multiple, easy-to-digest modules. Each individualized module should focus on a specific portion of your SaaS product training. While the whole software system functions and operates together to bring desired results, it’s in these modules that users are ready (and asking) to understand your SaaS product features that bring the overall benefits discussed above.

Not only does this help your customers begin to understand the innovative features of your SaaS product, but allows them to build upon their training knowledge. Smaller training portions that mesh together to create an overall and in-depth understanding of a SaaS product keep your customers consistently engaged and constantly learning new information without being overwhelmed by large chunks of hefty training material. 

  1. Make SaaS Product Training Easily Accessible

For this reason, it’s also important that your SaaS product training is easily accessible on-demand so customers can return to individualized modules for refreshers as they build upon your SaaS product knowledge. 

While in-person training has its perks, it’s hard to beat the ease, convenience, and accessibility that SaaS training provides. Whether a customer has a question or problem day or night, if they can easily access your SaaS product training material, it will save your company on customer service expenses and contribute to an overall better user experience. 

SaaS product training that is benefit-focused, separated into user-friendly portions, and accessible on-demand is a sure-fire way to contribute to the growth and profitability of your SaaS company and ensure that it is overflowing with satisfied, equipped, and knowledgeable customers. Follow these three best practices for building and implementing SaaS product training, and you’ll be setting your customers and company up for success. 

Are you ready to create user-friendly SaaS product training for your customers? We can help.

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