video learning for saas

The Importance Of Video Learning For SaaS Universities 

Video content has exploded in recent years, especially amidst a pandemic. Everything from webinars to social media posts now rely heavily on video to keep audiences engaged. 

When it comes to your SaaS university, video is one of the most effective ways to enhance your content library and provide an exceptional learning experience. 

Here are three reasons why you should start incorporating video learning into your online academy.

Streamline Information 

Today’s modern audiences want their information quickly, and they want it now. Unlike a long and confusing piece of text, a short video can boil down the essential elements and key takeaways viewers need to know. 

Think of the last time you had to follow an instruction manual to put together a piece of furniture. Even with a few illustrations to help, it was likely difficult at times to know what went where. 

Now think about how much simpler that process would have been if the manual came with an instructional video showing exactly how to put the parts together. Chances are, it would have gone much faster. 

That’s the power of video learning for SaaS universities – giving your audience the vital information they need when they need it.

Engage Customers In Real-Time 

A live video presentation like a webinar opens up a whole world of opportunity for your brand to build trust and nurture relationships with your audience. 

Unlike a quick video tutorial, live webinars are typically longer and include more in-depth insights on a topic. The best thing about webinars, however, is the ability for your audience to participate in real-time. 

This creates a more dynamic learning experience because participants can ask questions or share comments with each other in a live chat. Live webinars are also an excellent way to collect feedback on your offerings by analyzing how viewers interact with the presentation.

Blends Seamlessly With Social Media 

Social media is a surprisingly effective medium for SaaS universities to share their video content. 

Research has shown that video content tends to be shared on social media more than any other medium, making this a prime channel for driving more leads to your SaaS university. 

People love to engage with short, entertaining video snippets that are also educational. This means social media is a goldmine for attracting new customers by sharing the benefits of your SaaS content offerings. 

Things like client testimonials and course teasers are prime examples of how video can be harnessed on social media. 

Final Thoughts 

If they’re not already, educational videos should be a primary player in your SaaS content strategy. 

Video learning offers an unparalleled learning experience by boiling down information into key takeaways while engaging your audience. 

Webinars can easily be repurposed for social media posts or blogs, thereby ensuring you have a steady stream of content ideas available. By allowing your viewers to participate in real-time, live video courses give your audience a sense of community that will keep them coming back for more.

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